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A member registered Feb 23, 2020

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Thanks for the reply!, actually I forgot to do all the wrestling matches.

At what point can I go to the headmaster with Ron or Julian? Just updated the game and there is no additional options at the elevator. Last I see is the wrestling match and Neds scene. What I see new is the reworking of the camera scene.

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I have already purchased it here, how do I get the key for steam?

(3 edits)

I'm loving the game, I have been following the development for a few months and it is really going in a good direction.

Now for my preferences... I can't stand Ned, too dependant, clingy and insecure, that and his looks, it is really unlikable, I hate the idea that just showing a little kindness is enough for him to think I'm interested and feels betrayed if I go along with Vincent(enough to get violent).

All the other routes are quite interesting and entertaining, my favourites are Vincent, Ron and Julian. Though there is much to be improved along the story with Julian...

The greatest surprise was the last update, the party, as Max has quickly become a favourite, the right amount of caring and forcefullness xDD(I'd love for a route where we "do" him).Though I'm curious if his protective behaviour with Vincent comes from the deep "friendship" or he has deeper feelings... 

Once again, thank you for the great game you are creating. I think it is quite unique for the genre to be exposed in such a hardcore way, and I can't wait to see its finished form.